Allies is de 14e uitbreiding naar Dominion. Het heeft 400 kaarten, met 31 nieuwe stapels Koninkrijkskaarten. Er zijn bondgenoten die gunsten voor je doen, en gesplitste stapels die je kunt draaien.
Het is een feest! Mensen dansen op straat en rijden te paard door de danszalen. Je hebt eindelijk een alliantie gevormd met de barbaren in het noorden. In plaats van dat de straten rood van het bloed lopen, lopen ze, nou ja, de gebruikelijke kleur, laten we ons niet concentreren op welke kleur de straten hebben. Het punt is, er is vrede. Natuurlijk waren de onderhandelingen lastig. De barbaren zijn lomp; ze hebben geen vijf seconden regel en steken de verkeerde vinger uit bij het drinken van thee. Er zijn echter ook voordelen. Ze hebben je schedels gegeven om mede uit te drinken, en kruiden om de nasmaak van de schedel kwijt te raken. En je hebt ze dingen teruggegeven: vorken, spiegels, broeken. Het is geweldig voor iedereen. En met dit verdrag uit de weg, kun je aan de slag met je andere buren. Binnenkort zullen alle bondgenoten van jou zijn.
"Dominion: Allies" is een uitbreiding en kan niet op zichzelf worden gespeeld; om ermee te spelen, heb je de basiskaarten en het regelboek nodig (Dominion biedt beide). Dominion: Allies kunnen ook worden gecombineerd met alle andere Dominion-uitbreidingen die je hebt.
We hopen dat je geniet van deze groeiende wereld van Dominion!
Dominion: Guilds & Cornucopia combines the Dominion: Guilds and Dominion: Cornucopia small box expansions — originally the fifth and the eighth expansions — into a single large box expansion.
The cards from Dominion: Cornucopia — 13 new Kingdom cards, plus 5 unique cards — are focused on variety, with cards that reward you for having a variety of cards in your deck, in your hand, and in play, in addition to cards that help you get that variety.
Dominion: Guilds also consists of 13 new Kingdom cards, with some of these cards allowing you to get more out of them by paying extra when you buy them. In addition, this expansion contains coin tokens that you can save to spend later.
Part of the Dominion series.
Dominion: Intrigue Update Pack contains the seven new kingdom cards introduced in the second edition of Dominion: Intrigue, thereby allowing owners of the first edition to obtain these new cards without needing to repurchase the entire game.
Dominion, that's what you're trying to achieve. This time with animals! They each have a lesson to teach, whether it's how to spit really far or what kind of grass tastes the best. It's a lot to keep track of, but you're like an elephant: you remember everything. And you're afraid of mice. You've taken up riding. Horses are intimidating; they say you can lead a horse to water, but you haven't managed it, so you're working your way up, starting with dogs. So far so good; the dog hasn't bucked you off yet. Your menagerie got off to a poor start, with just a goat, two rats, and the advisor who suggested starting a menagerie. You couldn't get that fox you wanted, but it was probably bad anyway. Now you've got some camels, which are just as useless for sewing as you'd been warned, and a turtle that can hold its breath for longer than anyone can stay interested. Soon the animal kingdom will be yours.
Across the sea, they have so much stuff. And it's so much better than your stuff. Finer craftsmanship. Better quality materials. Shinier. They have crowns, tiaras, and diadems — and that's just the hats. It's time to get some of that stuff. You want an easy life, and you're prepared to work hard for it, so you've rounded up some old salty dogs, plus a sourpuss and a bitter goldfish. And set sail. The sea is a harsh mistress, but a good cook, at least if you like everything really salty. There are red skies tonight, so they'll be making a batch of Sailor's Delight, which you understand to have tuna fish in it. And soon you'll be attacking merchant ships and taking their treasure. But the real treasure is the happy memories you'll be making.Dominion: Plunder is the 15th expansion to Dominion. It has 500 cards, with 40 new Kingdom cards. It has lots of Treasures and Durations, with cards that give you Loot, and Traits that modify piles. Events return.
In Underwater Cities, which takes about 30-45 minutes per player, players represent the most powerful brains in the world, brains nominated due to the overpopulation of Earth to establish the best and most livable underwater areas possible.
The main principle of the game is card placement. Three colored cards are placed along the edge of the main board into 3 x 5 slots, which are also colored. Ideally players can place cards into slots of the same color. Then they can take both actions and advantages: the action depicted in the slot on the main board and also the advantage of the card. Actions and advantages can allow players to intake raw materials; to build and upgrade city domes, tunnels and production buildings such as farms, desalination devices and laboratories in their personal underwater area; to move their marker on the initiative track (which is important for player order in the next turn); to activate the player's "A-cards"; and to collect cards, both special ones and basic ones that allow for better decision possibilities during gameplay.
All of the nearly 220 cards — whether special or basic — are divided into five types according to the way and time of use. Underwater areas are planned to be double-sided, giving players many opportunities to achieve VPs and finally win.
You've always been a night person lately you've even considered becoming a vampire. There are a lot of advantages: you don't age you don't have to see yourself in mirrors anymore if someone asks you to do something, you can just turn into a bat, and then say, sorry, I'm a bat. There are probably some downsides though. You always think of the statue in the town square that came to life and now works as the tavern barmaid. The pedestal came to life too, so she has to hop around. The village blacksmith turns into a wolf whenever there's a full moon when there's a crescent moon, he turns into a chihuahua. That's how this stuff goes sometimes. Still, when you breathe in the night air, you feel ready for anything.
Dominion: Nocturne, the 11th expansion to Dominion, has 500 cards, with 33 new Kingdom cards. There are Night cards, which are played after the Buy phase Heirlooms that replace starting Coppers Fate and Doom cards that give out Boons and Hexes and a variety of extra cards that other cards can provide.
Dominion: Nocturne is a part of the Dominion series.
Deze zevende uitbreiding voor Dominion brengt het spel terug naar de Middeleeuwen. Ondanks de 500 kaarten is dit geen stand-alone set. Met onder andere 35 nieuwe Kingdom kaarten, nieuwe Ruins kaarten, Shelter kaarten etc. Expansie set voor het spel Dominion. Let op: voor deze uitbreiding is basisspel Dominion vereist.
Temporum is een strategisch bordspel waarin je als tijdreiziger de loop van de geschiedenis kunt beïnvloeden. Verander belangrijke momenten uit het verleden, reis door de tijd en bezoek verschillende tijdperken om je eigen utopie te creëren. Het bord toont de mogelijke historische paden en het actuele pad dat de geschiedenis volgt. Tijdens je beurt kun je geschiedenis aanpassen, tijdreizen en historische punten bezoeken. Trek kaarten, gebruik ze voor geld en vaardigheden, en verzamel punten om je macht door de tijd te laten groeien. Het doel is om al je macht in de laatste tijdperiode te concentreren, het tijdperk waaruit je komt. Manipuleer de tijd en stap over de vlinders die je pad kruisen om de wereld volgens jouw visie te vorm te geven!
We journey now to the islands to the east – or west, depending on where you are relative to them. Here your title is Emperor. They tell you you’re just a figurehead, though you can still order whatever breakfast you want. They may be right; you did get that breakfast. Your ceremonial sword and armor are made of paper. The samurai never let you into their tea parties, and the ninjas are always tying your shoelaces together. And the epic poem they wrote about you is only 17 syllables long. Rice has been adopted as currency, and no-one seems to even be trying to get your face onto the grains. But when you wake up each morning and look out over the land, life doesn’t seem so bad. Now, what’s for breakfast?
This is the 16th expansion to Dominion.
It has 300 cards, with 25 new Kingdom card piles. There are Shadow cards that leap out from your deck, and Prophecies that will someday happen and change everything. Debt and Events return.
Concordia: Aegyptus / Creta is an expansion for Concordia that contains two maps for new strategic challenges:
In Aegyptus, the Nile and its yearly flood brings some extra food. You can also engage yourself in trade with frankincense or gold for sestertii and victory points at the end of the game.
In Creta, you play on a tight map containing only twenty cities in nine provinces (one with only a single city).
Both maps can be played at all player counts, but become very competitive with four and especially with five players. The maps also have a new format which is a little longer, but clearly smaller than previously released maps.
The two-sided personality card display is separated from the map and contains a side with different additional costs.
Legendarisch, Chinees kaartspel voor twee teams van twee spelers. Men probeert zo snel mogelijk hun kaarten kwijt te raken en ondertussen punten te scoren. Breng je partner aan slag met de Hond, verras je tegenstanders met de Joker en sla zelf de hoogste kaart met de Draak. Als je dit spel eenmaal hebt gespeeld, kun je niet meer stoppen!
In New Frontiers, a standalone game in the Race for the Galaxy family, players build galactic empires by selecting, in turn, an action that everyone may do, with only the selecting player gaining that action's bonus.
The developments to be used are determined during setup, allowing players to make strategic plans based on them before play begins. One group of eight developments is always in play. The game includes a suggested set of sixteen additional developments for your first game; in later games, players randomly select which side of eight double-sided "small" developments and eight double-sided "large" 9-cost developments to use during setup.
Many worlds that players can acquire have special powers, with these worlds being drawn from a bag during the Explore phase. Unlike in Race, in New Frontiers worlds need colonists to be settled, in addition to either payments or conquest.
Some worlds are "windfall" worlds and receive a good upon being settled. Others are production worlds and receive goods when the Produce action is selected. Goods can be traded for credits or consumed for victory points.
Play continues until one or more of four game ending conditions is reached. After all actions for that round have been done, the player with the most victory points from settled worlds, developments, 9-cost development bonuses, and VP chips earned from consuming goods wins.
Race for the Galaxy: Xeno Invasion an expansion for the RftG base game that comprises the third story arc in the game series, depicts the galaxy as being under attack by waves of violently xenophobic aliens, dubbed the Xenos. XI adds Xeno military worlds (worlds conquered and occupied by them), specific military vs. Xenos, and a new keyword: ANTI-XENO. To provide a good proportion of new Xeno worlds, keyword, and powers, XI is not compatible with the other expansion story arcs. Xeno Invasion, which is aimed at intermediate players, includes 51 game cards to be added to the base set, and includes an optional Invasion Game, with Produce: Repair and invasion cards, a repulse track, bunkers, and various counters. The Invasion game adds two new ways the game can end: by either repulsing or falling to the Xenos. In Produce, players can repair damaged worlds and donate goods to the war effort (earning VPs). Players can also earn VP awards by defeating their share of the Xeno attackers and having the highest military vs Xenos, while they lose the use of damaged worlds that they fail to defend (until they are repaired). The Xeno attacks take place at the end of each round, starting with round 3, and typically take less than 30 seconds to resolve so that players can immediately return to selecting their actions for the next round.
Two thousand years ago, the Roman Empire ruled the lands around the Mediterranean Sea. With peace at the borders, harmony inside the provinces, uniform law, and a common currency, the economy thrived and gave rise to mighty Roman dynasties as they expanded throughout the numerous cities. Guide one of these dynasties and send colonists to the remote realms of the Empire
Players are beekeepers, trying to bloom their fields in order to attract bees and to produce the most valuable honey of the country.
On your turn, you have 2 choices; Taking new flower tokens from the garden and keeping them in your warehouse or Blooming one field.
When a player blooms his 5th field, every players has one last turn. Then, each player will get some extra points for their hives:
Each Hive gives 1 VP for each bee present on the 8 spaces surrounding this Hive.
Player takes his VP for each of it’s Hive token.
The player who has the highest score wins.