In Caty Mini, first released as Kociaki Łobuziaki, each player has their own unique game board that represents a children's room where a cat is playing; the cat is chasing twine that goes from one piece of furniture to another, with the game board having cutouts for twine to run through. The object of the game is to guide your cat so that it can grab as many toys as possible while running in the room.
Each round, the round's starting player chooses a furniture card from their hand and places it face-up on the pile of cards in the middle of play. Each player then takes a turn in clockwise order to move their string and score, if possible. "Moving the string" means stretching your string across your board and through a slot on either side of the furniture that matches the card played. If the string touches the object on the floor, that player scores chip tokens. Whoever collects the most points wins!
Bouw en organiseer je kasteel door muren in oplopende volgorde te plaatsen. Gebruik strategie en een beetje geheugen om de overwinning te claimen. Een spel voor jong en oud dat al duizenden spelers over de hele wereld heeft veroverd!